Basisschool Cosmicus

Primary School Cosmicus is a collaboration school between Lucas Education and Cosmicus Education. The vision of the school is that the Cosmicus students are taught to be ambitious global citizens. Based on this vision, the school strives to be a natural knowledge centre, a meeting school, where the other person is handled with care and where everyone is treated with respect and trust. We strive to develop the skills of students in order to become a global citizen. A global citizen is loving, dedicated, tolerant, rational, thoughtful, sensitive, enthusiastic, eager and pure in heart, soul and conscience.


Characteristics Primary school Cosmicus

The primary school has the following characteristics:
- Small scale;
- Ambitious;
- Thorough;
- Innovative;
- Student-oriented;
- Safe.

Schermafbeelding 2019-03-19 om 10.21.07 Schermafbeelding 2019-03-19 om 10.21.07